I came to GLS during the thick of the pandemic. Even though I met my chorus sisters on Zoom, they immediately made me feel welcome. As soon as we were able to meet in person, they went to great lengths to make sure I felt comfortable and had everything I needed. Great Lake Sound is such a wholesome, welcoming group of wonderful people that truly care for each other. I'm so grateful to have found such a strong support group! So happy to call GLS home!
- Chrissy N.
One of my favorite stories to tell about being a member of GLS comes from my early days with the chorus. My first visit, I kept thinking 'Wow! These women are all so kind and welcoming. What a fun group!' But as with many women-centered organizations, I wondered how long that would last - when would the other shoe drop? Over 8 years later, I'm still waiting! GLS is truly a family - one which has come together through our love of singing. The music that we make together is absolutely a result of hard work and the love that we have for one another.
- Jen
I look forward to rehearsals to spend time with fellow chorus members; we have such great comradery! I have become a much better singer and performer due to the high level of coaching.
- Lisa
After reading a newspaper article offering six weeks of free vocal instruction, I decided to check out the local Sweet Adelines chorus. I was needing to “do something for myself” while adjusting to single life with four teenagers at home and while working full time. That was 27 years ago, and Great Lake Sound Chorus continues to be a big part of my life. I have learned so much about barbershop music from great teachers. But even more than that are the friendships that have formed over those years.
- Sherry